[서울포토] 앤 해서웨이 옆 ‘화사의 존재감’

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발렌티노의 오랜 파트너 지안카를로 지암메티(왼쪽)가 ‘발렌티노 여성 가을겨울 오트 쿠튀르 2022-23 컬렉션’ 개막에 앞서 앤 해서웨이(왼쪽 두 번째)와 함께 앉아 있다. AP 뉴시스
발렌티노의 오랜 파트너 지안카를로 지암메티(왼쪽)가 ‘발렌티노 여성 가을겨울 오트 쿠튀르 2022-23 컬렉션’ 개막에 앞서 앤 해서웨이(왼쪽 두 번째)와 함께 앉아 있다. AP 뉴시스
발렌티노의 오랜 파트너 지안카를로 지암메티(왼쪽)가 ‘발렌티노 여성 가을겨울 오트 쿠튀르 2022-23 컬렉션’ 개막에 앞서 앤 해서웨이(왼쪽 두 번째)와 함께 앉아 있다. AP 뉴시스
발렌티노의 오랜 파트너 지안카를로 지암메티(왼쪽)가 ‘발렌티노 여성 가을겨울 오트 쿠튀르 2022-23 컬렉션’ 개막에 앞서 앤 해서웨이(왼쪽 두 번째)와 함께 앉아 있다. AP 뉴시스
발렌티노의 오랜 파트너 지안카를로 지암메티(왼쪽)가 ‘발렌티노 여성 가을겨울 오트 쿠튀르 2022-23 컬렉션’ 개막에 앞서 앤 해서웨이(왼쪽 두 번째)와 대화를 나누고 있다. AP 연합뉴스
발렌티노의 오랜 파트너 지안카를로 지암메티(왼쪽)가 ‘발렌티노 여성 가을겨울 오트 쿠튀르 2022-23 컬렉션’ 개막에 앞서 앤 해서웨이(왼쪽 두 번째)와 대화를 나누고 있다. AP 연합뉴스
Anna Wintour sits prior to the start of the Valentino women‘s Fall-Winter Haute Couture 2022-23 collection, unveiled in Rome’s Spanish Steps, Friday, July 8, 2022. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)
Anna Wintour sits prior to the start of the Valentino women‘s Fall-Winter Haute Couture 2022-23 collection, unveiled in Rome’s Spanish Steps, Friday, July 8, 2022. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)
A model wears a creation as part of the Valentino women‘s Fall-Winter Haute Couture 2022-23 collection, unveiled in Rome’s Spanish Steps, Friday, July 8, 2022. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)
A model wears a creation as part of the Valentino women‘s Fall-Winter Haute Couture 2022-23 collection, unveiled in Rome’s Spanish Steps, Friday, July 8, 2022. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)
Models present creations from the Haute Couture Fall/Winter 2022/23 collection by Italian label Valentino, on the Spanish Steps, downtown Rome, Italy, 08 July 2022. EPA 연합뉴스
Models present creations from the Haute Couture Fall/Winter 2022/23 collection by Italian label Valentino, on the Spanish Steps, downtown Rome, Italy, 08 July 2022. EPA 연합뉴스
A model wears a creation as part of the Valentino women‘s Fall-Winter Haute Couture 2022-23 collection, unveiled in Rome’s Spanish Steps, Friday, July 8, 2022. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)
A model wears a creation as part of the Valentino women‘s Fall-Winter Haute Couture 2022-23 collection, unveiled in Rome’s Spanish Steps, Friday, July 8, 2022. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)
Models wear creations as part of the Valentino women‘s Fall-Winter Haute Couture 2022-23 collection, unveiled in Rome’s Spanish Steps, Friday, July 8, 2022. AP 뉴시스
Models wear creations as part of the Valentino women‘s Fall-Winter Haute Couture 2022-23 collection, unveiled in Rome’s Spanish Steps, Friday, July 8, 2022. AP 뉴시스
Models present creations for Valentino Haute Couture Fall/Winter 2022-23 women‘s and men’s collection during the event of the Maison Couture, in front of Piazza di Spagna steps and Trinita dei Monti church, in Rome on July 8, 2022. AFP 연합뉴스
Models present creations for Valentino Haute Couture Fall/Winter 2022-23 women‘s and men’s collection during the event of the Maison Couture, in front of Piazza di Spagna steps and Trinita dei Monti church, in Rome on July 8, 2022. AFP 연합뉴스
A model wears a creation as part of the Valentino women‘s Fall-Winter Haute Couture 2022-23 collection, unveiled in Rome’s Spanish Steps, Friday, July 8, 2022. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)
A model wears a creation as part of the Valentino women‘s Fall-Winter Haute Couture 2022-23 collection, unveiled in Rome’s Spanish Steps, Friday, July 8, 2022. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)
A model wears a creation as part of the Valentino women‘s Fall-Winter Haute Couture 2022-23 collection, unveiled in Rome’s Spanish Steps, Friday, July 8, 2022. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)
A model wears a creation as part of the Valentino women‘s Fall-Winter Haute Couture 2022-23 collection, unveiled in Rome’s Spanish Steps, Friday, July 8, 2022. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)
A model wears a creation as part of the Valentino women‘s Fall-Winter Haute Couture 2022-23 collection, unveiled in Rome’s Spanish Steps, Friday, July 8, 2022. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)
A model wears a creation as part of the Valentino women‘s Fall-Winter Haute Couture 2022-23 collection, unveiled in Rome’s Spanish Steps, Friday, July 8, 2022. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)
US actress Anne Hathaway, arrives prior to the Haute Couture Fall/Winter 2022/23 collection preview by Italian label Valentino on Spanish Steps, downtown Rome, Italy, 08 July 2022. EPA 연합뉴스
US actress Anne Hathaway, arrives prior to the Haute Couture Fall/Winter 2022/23 collection preview by Italian label Valentino on Spanish Steps, downtown Rome, Italy, 08 July 2022. EPA 연합뉴스

화사는 최근 이탈리아 럭셔리 패션 하우스 발렌티노의 오트 쿠튀르 패션쇼 참석을 위해 출국했다. 

사진은 발렌티노의 오랜 파트너 지안카를로 지암메티(왼쪽)가 8일(현지시간) 이탈리아 로마에서 열린 ‘발렌티노 여성 가을겨울 오트 쿠튀르 2022-23 컬렉션’ 개막에 앞서 앤 해서웨이(왼쪽 두 번째)와 함께 앉아 있다. 

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